Research Reference Centre for the Study and Prevention of anaerobic infections
Zhovnir Oleksandr
Graduated from the Bila Tserkva State Agrarian University in 2001, and postgraduate at IVM NAAS in 2011. In 2015 defending his PhD thesis in the area of Veterinary Sciences.
He is an author of 35 scientific papers, 6 patents, 4 guidelines and 3 regulatory documents for veterinary immunobiological means.
The main directions of scientific work: study of biocenotic relations of associated microorganisms, necrobacillosis of pigs and other animals, development of new biopreparations.
The main directions of scientific work are development, improvement and study of the effectiveness of existing and new prevention means of anaerobic infections; developing guidance and regulatory documentation concerning anaerobic infections; standardization of veterinary immunobiological means, patenting.
Proceeding from the epizootic situation in livestock of Ukraine regarding anaerobic infections, in December 1996 it was established the laboratory of Anaerobic Infections, and in October 2004 on the base of the Laboratory it was established Research Reference Center (RRC) for the study and prevention of anaerobic infections. This is the only scientific department in Ukraine which carries out fundamental and applied scientific researches concerning problems of the pathology of animals and birds caused by anaerobic microorganisms.
Formation of the laboratory and establishment of the Centre was led by outstanding Scientists Rizhenko Vasil Petrovych – Head of the Laboratory of anaerobic infections, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor, corresponding member of UAAS, academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.
Graduate from the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy in 1959, the scientific activity began in 1966. He has over 300 publications and 60 author patents, co-author of three monographs and textbooks. He has 16 state and departmental awards, number of certificates and diplomas. Honorary member of the union of Microbiology of Cuba.
The main scientific activities (1966–2015). Development:
- methods for simultaneous vaccination of pigs against common diseases: classical swine fever, salmonellosis, erysipelas, pasteurellosis, colibacillosis, diplococcal infection;
- microencapsulated and other vaccines for enteral administration;
- application of new methods of antigen: intradermal vaccination with a needleless injector against classical swine fever and swine erysipelas, equine encephalomyelitis;
- modern vaccines against bacillary hemoglobinuria of cattle and other diseases (Republic of Cuba, 1983–1992);
- associated inactivated vaccines for the prevention of anaerobic infections (anaerobic enterotoxemia, anaerobic dysentery, bradsot, necrotic hepatitis, malignant edema, necrobacillosis, foot rot, actinobacillosis) and associated aerobic infections (salmonellosis, colibacillosis, Klebsiella, cocci and other infections);
- immunostimulatory means and probiotics;
- creation of multicomponent vaccines with nanopreparations.
V.P. Ryzhenko led the priority areas of basic and applied researches concerning biotechnology substantiation of manufacturing and research of multicomponent vaccines against anaerobic and mixed infections.
Laboratory staff
The laboratory staff consists of 7 people, including 4 researchers.
Andriyaschuk Valentina
Is a Senior Researcher, PhD of Veterinary Sciences
Graduated from the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 1985.
V.O. Andriyaschuk is an author of 44 scientific papers, 15 patents, 10 guidelines, and number of regulatory documents for veterinary immunobiological means.
The main directions of scientific work are study of vaccine strains of microorganisms, development and study of modern means of specific prophylaxis and therapy of clostridiosis, necrobacillosis, actinobacillosis and mixed infections of different species of animals and birds.
Tiutiun Svetlana
Is a Researcher.
Graduated from the Chemical Engineering Department of the Kiev Technological Institute of Light Industry in 1985.
Co-author of 45 scientific papers, 10 patents, 10 guidelines.
The main directions of scientific work are physicochemical and biochemical research of developed biological products by laboratory stuff, designing and studying of immunostimulatory means.
Ukhovska Tetiana
Is a Researcher.
Graduated from the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences (NULES) in 2009 and postgraduate at IVM NAAS in 2012.
She is an author of 20 scientific papers, 3 patents, 5 guidelines and 3 regulatory documents for veterinary immunobiological means.
The main directions of scientific work: study of epizootic features of pig bacterial diseases and development of means of their specific prevention, study of microorganisms from the museum’s collection.
Kamenchuk Pavlo
Is a Junior Researcher.
Graduated from the National Agrarian University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 2000 and postgraduate at IVM NAAS in 2007.
Co-author of 28 scientific papers, 5 patents, 6 guidelines.
The main directions of scientific work: development and in-depth study of new means of specific therapy of necrobacillosis, actinobacillosis on the base of lysates of microorganisms.
Teplyuk Nina
Is a Lead Engineer.
Graduated from the Kyiv Institute of Food Industry, Process Engineer.
Co-author of 11 scientific papers, 5 patents, 4 guidelines.
The main directions of scientific work: production and development of new culture media for microorganisms, she is involved in maintaining of the museum cultures of microorganisms.
Directions of scientific work:
Directions of the activity of the laboratory and RRC focused on the following objectives:
- coordination and conducting of research works concerning anaerobic infections in animals;
- supervision of the epizootic situation of anaerobic infections in Ukraine;
- study of foci of infection, the relationship between them, mechanisms of occurrence and distribution of anaerobic infections of animals;
- prediction of the possible spread of infection and its consequences, the development of preventive measures to prevent the spread of diseases caused by anaerobic microorganisms in the territory of Ukraine;
- development and implementation of monitoring of animals anaerobic infections in Ukraine on the basis of scientific achievements;
- development, improvement and study of the effectiveness of existing and new diagnostic tools and prevention of animals anaerobic infections, proposals on the feasibility of their use;
- organization and carrying out clinical, epizootic and laboratory research suspecting disease caused by anaerobic microflora, development of measures to eliminate outbreaks of infection;
- development of guidance and regulatory documentation and examination regulations for the welfare of the territory of Ukraine concerning anaerobic infections;
- scientific and methodical, consulting and outreach support of work regarding diagnosis and prevention of anaerobic infections in animals through seminars, conferences, symposia, exhibitions, etc.;
- cooperation with national and foreign academic institutions and organizations concerning anaerobic infections.
Fundamental and applied activity of the laboratory with RRC based on theoretical and experimental substantiation of manufacturing technology of modern diagnostic test kits and multicomponent means of specific prophylaxis of anaerobic infections in animals using nanotechnology.
The main directions of priority research of the laboratory are development of diagnostic tools, prevention and specific treatment of clostridiosis, necrobacillosis, actinobacillosis and mixed infections of different species of animals and birds.
Main scientific achievements of the laboratory
During the activity of the laboratory it was studied eco-geographical distribution and characteristics of epizootic process of animals anaerobic infections in Ukraine. Established that such infections occurring mainly as mixed anaerobic-aerobic infections and outbreaks of these diseases are often associated with the import of animals.
In the study of the sensitivity of more than 900 mono- and associated cultures of microorganisms to 18–34 antibacterial preparations (ABP) established that most of them are sensitive only to 4–8 ABP, thus the question arises about the feasibility of their widespread use, as well as urges the need to introduce immunobiological veterinary means, especially in dairy farming.
According to epizootological monitoring carried out the laboratory stuff in recent years, it found that anaerobic infections of animals and birds are widespread and entail considerable economic losses.
Diagnosis of these diseases is cumbersome and not effective enough. The complexity of the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of anaerobic infections caused by long-term persistence of the pathogen in the organism of animals, severe intoxication of the organism, short course and high mortality.
Implementation of diagnostic work determines the need to respond quickly to the epizootic situation which has developed in some farms of Ukraine.
As a result of the laboratory activity there were created and successfully tested over 25 biological products in Ukraine, most of which are autovaccine.
The main vaccines are against of:
- anaerobic enterotoxemia of animals – “Velshisan”;
- salmonellosis of animals – “Salmosan”;
- anaerobic enterotoxemia and salmonellosis of animals – “Velshisalm”;
- bradsot, necrotic hepatitis, malignant edema, dysentery of lambs and anaerobic enterotoxemia – “Ovisan”;
- mastitis, endometritis and pneumoenteritis of animals – “Pneumomastisan”;
- colibacillosis, salmonellosis, edema disease, pasteurellosis and anaerobic enterotoxaemia of pigs – “Serdosan”;
- actinobacillosis – “Actinosan”;
- actinobacillosis and colibacillosis – “Actinocolisan”;
- necrobacillosis, necrotic hepatitis, malignant edema and anaerobic enterotoxaemia of animals – “Necrosan”;
- necrobacillosis and colibacillosis – “Necrosan-2”;
- necrobacillosis and salmonellosis – “Necrosalm”;
- necrobacillosis, colibacillosis and salmonellosis – “Necrocolisalm”;
- necrobacillosis and foot rot – “Necrosan-3”;
- necrobacillosis and actinobacillosis – “Fusoactinosan”;
- colibacillosis – “Colisan”;
- colibacillosis and salmonellosis – “Colisalm”;
- anaerobic enterotoxaemia and colibacillosis – “Velshikol”, “Velshicolisan”;
- anaerobic enterotoxaemia and pasteurellosis – “Velshipast”;
- anaerobic enterotoxaemia and listeriosis – “Velshilisterisan”;
- listeriosis – “Listerisan”;
- listeriosis and colibacillosis – “Listericol”;
- Glasser’s disease and actinobacillosis of pigs – “Gemofilosan”;
- Klebsiella infections – “Klebsan”;
- clostridiosis, enterobacterial and cocci infections of horses – “Ekvisan”;
- associated bacterioses of poultry – “Poliavisan”;
- papillomatosis of cattle (tissue vaccine) – “Papilomasan”;
- respiratory bacterioses of calves – “Pneumosan” etc.
Now we are studying experimental models of multi immunogens – “Multibovisan” and “Multisuisan”.
In the number of farms it was obtained positive results addressing the pathology of reproduction using stimulant means developed by us on the basis of materials of natural origin. This is tissue preparation “STP” and bacterial stimulant preparation “BSP”.
We have framed the development concept of our laboratory for 2011–2025 which will contribute the successful solution of urgent problems caused by anaerobic microorganisms.
Inclusion in structure of vaccines immunomodulating means of natural origin has positive effect on immunegenesis and makes it possible to use the most number of vaccines developed us for therapeutic purposes.
The peculiarity of our vaccines is that they have both prophylactic and therapeutic properties.
Most vaccines are made as the autovaccine which ensures their high specific efficiency.
The economic efficiency of our vaccines against anaerobic infections is rated by millions of hryvnia.
Our collection of epizootic strains of microorganisms circulating in Ukraine creates the preconditions for the development of manufacturing technology of associated vaccines in accordance with epizootic situation in certain farms and regions of the country.
Successful testing of vaccines of our own production under conditions of certain epizootic situation is a precondition for scientific support substantiation of providing epizootic welfare of the country and indicates the possibility to eliminate Ukraine reliance on import of farm animals specific protection means from many anaerobic infections.
For the first time in Ukraine formed school of scientists capable successfully meet the immediate needs of today’s challenges of anaerobic and mixed infections. Laboratory staff is headed the research area in Ukraine concerning creation of multicomponent inactivated vaccines suitable for use both for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes.
The development team of specific protection means of animals from anaerobic and mixed infections expresses its sincere gratitude to all specialists of veterinary medicine of Ukraine for cooperation and selfless assistance for scientists testing scientific developments in the farm conditions due to the absence of funding of these important studies.
Guidelines. In order to improve the diagnostic work concerning anaerobic infections staff of the laboratory and RRC implemented methodological support of this activity: it was prepared and published guidelines for the diagnosis of 11 anaerobic infections: botulism, tetanus, bradsot, malignant edema, infectious (anaerobic) enterotoxaemia, anaerobic (clostridial) dysentery, necrotic hepatitis, blackleg, necrobacillosis, foot rot, actinobacillosis.
- “The integrated system of protecting animals from necrobacillosis”;
- “Determination of the sensitivity of anaerobic microorganisms to of antibacterial preparations”;
- “Sampling of biological material for laboratory studies regarding anaerobic infections”;
- “Methods of pathogenetic therapy and prophylaxis of necrobacillosis of cattle”.
International collaboration
Every year the international exhibition “Agro” exhibits vaccines developed by the staff of our laboratory. Vaccine “Actinosan” was awarded gold medal by Organizing Committee of the “Agro-2008” exhibition.
Scientists of the laboratory of anaerobic infections constantly inform about scientific achievements and developments of the laboratory: at the First International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Biotechnology: development and control of preparations 2009” (Kyiv, 2009); International scientific conference of young scientists “Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Animal Diseases, Problems, Achievements and Prospects” (Kharkiv, 2010); International scientific conference “Bioresources of the Planet and Biosafety of the Environment: Problems and Prospects” devoted to the 115th anniversary of the NULES of Ukraine and the 15th anniversary of GCHERA (Kyiv, 2013); 14th conference of the Association of Tropical Veterinary Medicine Institutes (Johannesburg, South Africa, 2013); Scientific practical conference of young scientists “Actual problems of veterinary biotechnology and infectious pathology of animals” (Kyiv, 2014).
Commercial offers and services. Staff of laboratory provided scientific-methodical and practical assistance to hundreds of farms. It was recovered more than 50 farms from actinobacillosis and necrobacillosis. Through the use of autovaccine of our development many farms improved epizootic situation in livestock, reduced losses and improved efficiency of the sector.
Laboratory of anaerobic infections IVM NAAS offers:
1. Studies concerning the diagnosis of diseases of bacterial etiology | |||
№ | Name of the study | Term, days | Price with VAT, UAH |
Bacteriological tests for the presence of pathogens of animals and birds | |||
1 | Necrobacillosis | 7–14 | 361,92 |
2 | Blackleg | 379,67 | |
3 | Malignant edema | 361,92 | |
4 | Foot rot | 363,90 | |
5 | Infectious (anaerobic) enterotoxaemia | 404,75 | |
6 | Tetanus | 308,44 | |
7 | Botulism | 355,82 | |
8 | Actinobacillosis | 360,60 | |
9 | Anaerobic dysentery of young animals | 241,84 | |
10 | Bradsot | 371,41 | |
11 | Bacillary hemoglobinuria | 379,67 | |
12 | Necrotic hepatitis | 371,41 | |
13 | Clostridiosis of poultry | 464,92 | |
14 | Clostridial osteomyelitis of ruminants | 379,67 | |
15 | Salmonellosis | 350,61 | |
16 | Colibacillosis, edema disease | 411,37 | |
17 | Subclinical mastitis | 350,13 | |
18 | Glasser’s disease | 314,27 | |
19 | Pseudomonas infection | 310,29 | |
20 | Listeriosis | 452,97 | |
21 | Staphylococcosis | 345,17 | |
22 | Streptococcosis | 308,35 | |
23 | Diplococcus infection | 308,35 | |
24 | Pneumococcal disease | 310,32 | |
25 | Pasteurellosis | 333,68 | |
26 | Sensitivity of cultures to antibiotics | 5 | 254,56 |
27 | Bacteriological study of mixed fodders | 7 | 320,45 |
28 | Bacteriological study of semen | 7 | 350,61 |
Note: Fees for diagnostic tests are developed on the basis of the State Scientific Research Institute of Diagnostics and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise, Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of UkraineThe cost of research on anaerobic infection include the cost of other studies of associated microorganisms |
2. Means of prevention of infectious diseases
№ | Name of the veterinary immune means | Cost of 1 l of means + VAT, UAH |
1 | “Pneumomastisan” – mastitis, endometritis and pneumoenteritis of animals | 330,00 |
2 | “Pneumosan” – respiratory bacterioses of calves | 330,00 |
3 | “Serdosan” – colibacillosis, salmonellosis, edema disease, pasteurellosis and anaerobic enterotoxaemia of pigs | 330,00 |
4 | “Actinosan” – concentrated inactivated vaccine against actinobacillosis of animals | 360,00 |
5 | “Ovisan” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against bradsot, necrotic hepatitis, malignant edema, dysentery of lambs and anaerobic enterotoxemia of sheep | 360,00 |
6 | “Actinocolisan” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against actinobacillosis and colibacillosis of animals | 360,00 |
7 | “Necrosan” – concentrated inactivated vaccine against necrobacillosis, necrotic hepatitis, malignant edema and infectious (anaerobic) enterotoxaemia of animals | 360,00 |
8 | “Necrosan-2” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against necrobacillosis, necrotic hepatitis, malignant edema, infectious (anaerobic) enterotoxaemia and colibacillosis of animals | 360,00 |
9 | “Necrosan-3” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against foot rot, necrobacillosis and anaerobic enterotoxemia of animals | 360,00 |
10 | “Necrosalm” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against necrobacillosis and salmonellosis | 360,00 |
11 | “Necrocolisalm” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against necrobacillosis, colibacillosis and salmonellosis | 360,00 |
12 | “Fusoactinosan” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against necrobacillosis and actinobacillosis | 360,00 |
13 | “Colisan” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against colibacillosis | 330,00 |
14 | “Salmosan” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against salmonellosis of animals | 330,00 |
15 | “Colisalm” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against colibacillosis and salmonellosis | 330,00 |
16 | “Velshisan” – concentrated polyvalent inactivated vaccine against anaerobic enterotoxemia of animals | 330,00 |
17 | “Velshisalm” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against anaerobic enterotoxemia and salmonellosis of animals | 330,00 |
18 | “Velshicolisan” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against anaerobic dysentery of young animals, infectious enterotoxaemia, oedematous disease and colibacillosis | 330,00 |
19 | “Velshicolisalm” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against anaerobic enterotoxaemia, colibacillosis and salmonellosis | 330,00 |
20 | “Velshipast” –concentrated polyvalent inactivated vaccine against anaerobic enterotoxaemia pasteurellosis | 330,00 |
21 | “Klebsan” – vaccine against Klebsiella infections | 330,00 |
22 | “Gemofilosan” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against Нaemophilus pleuropneumoniae of pigs | 360,00 |
23 | “Listerisan” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against listeriosis | 330,00 |
24 | “Listericol” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against listeriosis and colibacillosis | 330,00 |
25 | “Velshilisterisan” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against anaerobic enterotoxaemia and listeriosis | 330,00 |
26 | “Ekvisan” – concentrated associated inactivated vaccine against clostridiosis, enterobacterial and cocci infections of horses | 330,00 |
27 | “Poliavisan” – associated inactivated vaccine against associated bacterioses of poultry (clostridiosis, colibacillosis and salmonella) | 330,00 |
28 | “STP” – stimulating tissue preparation with immunostimulating properties for livestock and poultry | 200,00 |
29 | “BSP” – complex bacterial and tissue preparation with immunostimulating properties for livestock and poultry | 200,00 |
Note: vaccines produced by oder |
The most significant publications:
During the term of laboratory activity its staff have published over 200 scientific papers. List of major publications in recent years:
- Показники амінокислотного і мінерального складу вакцини «Некросан» та її вплив на імунологічний статус організму овець // Ветеринарна біотехнологія: Бюл./ В.П. Риженко, Г.Ф. Риженко, О.І. Горбатюк, В.О. Андріящук, О.М. Жовнір, С.М. Бєлік, В.А. Тютюн- 2010.-№16. С. 189-197.
- Перспективні напрямки профілактики респіраторних хвороб свиней // Ветеринарна біотехнологія. / О.С. Лотоцький, Ю.Є. Дворська, Г.Ф. Риженко, О. І. Горбатюк, В.О. Андріящук, О.М. Жовнір, Л.С.Мілько, В.А. Тютюн / К.: Бюл.-2011.- № 18. С. 176-182.
- Риженко В.П. Розробка та удосконалення засобів профілактики анаеробних інфекцій./ Г.Ф. Риженко, О.І. Горбатюк, С.А. Дементьєва, В.В. Риженко, В.О. Андріящук, І.В. Галка, С.М. Бєлік, О.М. Жовнір, О.В. Рудой , Н.А. Теплюк, Л.С. Мілько, П.П. Каменчук, М.С. Ющенко, Т.М. Мазигула .// Ветеринарна медицина та якість і безпека продукції тваринництва: матеріали міжнародної конференції науково-педагогічних працівників, наукових співробітників та аспірантів, 16-17 березня 2011р., м. Київ.- Х.2011.- С.254-255.
- Риженко В.П. Науковий супровід профілактичних та оздоровчих заходів при фузобактеріозі (некробактеріозі) ./ В.П. Риженко, Г.Ф. Риженко, О.І. Горбатюк, В.О. Андріящук, С.М. Бєлік, П.П. Каменчук, І.В. Галка, О.М. Жовнір, О.В. Рудой, М.С. Ющенко, В.В. Риженко, Н.А. Теплюк, А.С. Мілько, Т.М. Мазигула.// Ветеринарна медицина, міжвідомчий тематичний науковий збірник Інституту експериментальної і клінічної ветеринарної медицини (ІЕКВМ)/ Національна академія аграрних наук.-Харків:ІЕКВМ, 2011.- Вип.- 95.- С.261-264.- Бібліографія в кінці статті.
- РудойО.В. Особливості перебігу інфекційного процесу у тварин хворих на актинобацильоз (лігнієріоз) // Ветеринарна біотехнологія. К.: Бюл./ – №21. – 2012. – С. 50–55.
- Вплив стимулюючого тканинного препарату “СТП” на імунобіологічну реактивність організму поросят за щеплення проти гемофільозу // Ветеринарна біотехнологія: : Бюл./ В.П. Риженко, Г.Ф. Риженко, О.І. Горбатюк, Б.М. Терешко, В.О. Андріящук, О.М. Жовнір, С.М. Тютюн, І.В. Галка, Н.А. Теплюк, П.П. Каменчук, В.А. Тютюн, Т.М. Мазигула, О.С. Лотоцький – 2012.-№20. С. 142-150.
- Мазигула Т.М. Актуальність специфічної профілактики перфрінгіозів //Ветеринарна біотехнологія: Бюл./ Т.М. Мазигула- 2012.-№21. С. 15-20.
- Оцінка імунобіологічного статусу організму свиней за одночасного щеплення проти фузобактеріозу та сальмонельозу // Ветеринарна біотехнологія: : Бюл./ В.П. Риженко, Г.Ф. Риженко, О.І. Горбатюк, Б.М. Терешко, В.О. Андріящук, О.М. Жовнір, С.М. Тютюн, І.В. Галка, О.В. Рудой, Н.А. Теплюк, Л.С. Мілько, П.П. Каменчук, Т.М.Мазигула, В.А. Тютюн – 2012.-№21. С. 21-32.
- Риженко В.П. Етіопатогенетичні особливості формування мікробіоценозів за некробактеріозу, ускладненого асоціативною мікрофлорою//В.П. Риженко, Г.Ф. Риженко, О.І. Горбатюк, Б.М. Терешко, В.О. Андріящук, О.М. Жовнір, С.М. Тютюн, Н.А. Теплюк, Л.С. Мілько, П.П. Каменчук // Ветеринарна біотехнологія: Бюл./ – 2013.-№22. С. 456-467
- Риженко В.П. Результати інноваційної та науково-організаційної діяльності з питань профілактики анаеробних інфекцій //В.П. Риженко, Г.Ф. Риженко, О.І. Горбатюк // Ветеринарна медицина: Міжвідомчий тематичний науковий збірник / Харків.- 2013.-№ 97. С. 563-565
- ЖовнірО.М. Визначення біотипів музейних культур і польових ізолятів F. necrophorum та підбір штамів для виготовлення вакцини проти некробактеріозу// О.М. Жовнір / Науковий вісник ветеринарної медицини: Випуск-2013 № 11 Біла Церква С. 69-75
- РиженкоВ.П. Імуномодулюючі тканинні препарати як коректори природної резистентності у тварин // В.П. Риженко, С.М. Тютюн / Науковий вісник ветеринарної медицини: Випуск-2013 № 11 Біла Церква С. 7-11
- МазигулаТ.М. Теоретичне та експериментальне обґрунтування одночасної вакцинопрофілактики перфрінгіозів та ешерихіозів тварин // Т.М. Мазигула / Науковий вісник ветеринарної медицини: Випуск-2013 № 11 Біла Церква С. 107-110
- РиженкоВ.П. Інфекційний процес та стратегія патогенетичної терапії за фузобактеріозу//В.П. Риженко, Г.Ф. Риженко, О.І. Горбатюк, В.О. Андріящук, О.М. Жовнір, П.П. Каменчук, Т.М. Мазигула, Л.С. Мілько // Ветеринарна біотехнологія: Бюл./ – 2013.-№23. С. 221-227
- РиженкоВ.П. Теоретичне та експериментальне обґрунтування створення нового засобу «Фузолізат» для лікування і профілактики фузобактеріозу (некробактеріозу) тварин // В.П. Риженко, Г.Ф. Риженко, О.І. Горбатюк, В.О. Андріящук, О.М. Жовнір, С.М. Тютюн, О.В. Рудой, П.П. Каменчук, Т.М. Мазигула, Н.А. Теплюк // Ветеринарна біотехнологія: Бюл./ – 2013.-№23. С. 228-230
- РиженкоВ.П. Визначення оптимальних співвідношень антигенів при конструюванні асоційованих вакцин //В.П. Риженко, Г.Ф. Риженко, О.І. Горбатюк, В.О. Андріящук, О.М. Жовнір, С.М. Тютюн, Н.А. Теплюк, П.П. Каменчук, Т.М. Мазигула, О.В. Рудой, Л.С. Мілько, М.С. Ющенко// Ветеринарна біотехнологія: Бюл./ – 2013.-№23. С. 231-234
- Риженко В.П. Теоретичне та експериментальне обґрунтування використання нанотехнологій для створення імунобіологічних препаратів //В.П. Риженко, Г.Ф. Риженко, О.І. Горбатюк, В.О. Андріящук, С.М. Тютюн, В.А. Тютюн, О.М. Жовнір, Т.М. Мазигула, П.П. Каменчук, О.В. Рудой, Н.А. Теплюк, Л.С. Мілько // Ветеринарна біотехнологія: Бюл./ – 2013.-№23. С. 235-239
- Рудой О.В. Гістологічний метод диференційної діагностики актинобацильозу великої рогатої худоби // О.В. Рудой, В.П. Риженко, І.В. Папченко // Ветеринарна біотехнологія: Бюл./ – 2013.-№23. С. 243-246
- Рудой А.В. Специфическая профилактика смешанной актинобациллезной и колибактериозной инфекции телят// А.В. Рудой // Эпизоотология. Имунобиология. Фармакология. Санитария РУП «ИЭВ им. С.Н.Вышеклесского». Белорусия – 2014. – № 1.
Laboratory staff has more than 60 patents of Ukraine. Part of developments is used in conditions of the institute and most of them in the farms of different ownership forms with high economic efficiency of which is determined by millions of hryvnia.
Regulatory documentation.
It was developed and approved more than 50 regulatory documentats for biopreparations. The staff developed SOU for the diagnosis necrobacillosis, SOU for the diagnosis of actinobacillosis, State Standard for Laboratory Diagnostics of clostridiosis.
It was started molecular genetic studies concerning clostridiosis in order to develop diagnostic PCR and ELISA test kits.
The laboratory has accreditation certificate to perform diagnostic tests.