Director of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine NAAS Doctor of Veterinary Science Nychyk Serhiy and Director Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Bologna (Italy) Professor Pier Paolo Hatta signed an Agreement on cooperation between the Department of Veterinary Science ALMA MATER STUDIORUM the Bologna University and the Institute of Veterinary Medicine NAAS of Ukraine.
This Agreement was prepared by the Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Bologna and the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, to promote cooperation in research and teaching and to encourage artistic and cultural projects within mutual interests.
Conducting research projects of mutual interest:
- exchange visits of teachers and researchers to undertake research and consultation, and encourage training of scientific personnel;
- organization of joint seminars, workshops and discussions on topics of mutual interest.
This Agreement become into force on the date of signature by both institutions and will operate for five years from that date.