On September 20, 2018, the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the NAAS took an active part in the Exhibition Fair of breeding agricultural animals and poultry in the State Enterprise “RF “Shevchenkivske” of the Institute of Bioenergetic Cultures and Sugar Beets of the NAAS in Denykhivka, Kiev oblast. The exhibition was opened by Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Sheremeta V.V.
The Institute presented developed scientific achievements: preparations, vaccines, test-kits, standards of mycotoxins etc. Visitors were informed on the capabilities of the IVM experts to provide veterinary support for the elimination of infectious and non-infectious issues in farms, diagnosis of infectious diseases, mycological, mycotoxicological tests.
Director of the IVM NAAS Professor Nychyk S.А. personally met directors and chief veterinarians of the research farms of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, provided consultations on the epizootic state concerning ASF in the country, emphasizing on the necessity of improving the farms’ biosafety/biosecurity level, and answered a number of questions on the current issues in the farms.