30 Donetska str., Kyiv, 03151, Ukraine
Phone/fax: + 38 (044) 245-78-05
E-mail: ivm_naan@ukr.net
The Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (until May 4, 1992 called – Ukrainian Scientific Research Veterinary Institute ) was established in Kyiv in 1977 on the basis of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine (URIEVM), which was headed by PhD G.F. Bondarenko from September 16, 1968) in accordance with of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers decree No. 351 of 1977, July 4.
Associate member of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Anatoly Sobko was appointed its first director and for more than 20 years was the head of Institute and managed virology laboratory (1977-1993) created by the order No. 47 as of 1977, April 14. Virology laboratory started its work earlier, as a division of the URIEVM branch.
The first head of the Virology Laboratory – Associate Member of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Sobko Anatoly .
Professor Anatoliy Sobko is the world famous scientist, was at the sources of such important problems of veterinary science as infectious diseases of pigs, foot and mouth disease of farm animals, researches of viruses and bacteria. He devoted most of his life to the veterinary virology, creating and implementing new ideas and developments into veterinary practice, organization of science, its development and prosperity. Carried out by Anatoliy Sobko deep fundamental researches allowed to develop a set of clinical and laboratory methods and create more than 30 biological products for the diagnosis and prophylaxis of animal viral and bacterial diseases, most of researches were awarded by gold and silver medals of the All-Union National Economy Exhibition, international exhibitions and confirmed by patents. Anatoliy Sobko published more than 130 articles, 5 monographs, received 50 invention certificates and patents. A guide for pigs diseases edited by Anatoliy Sobko was issued in Vietnam.
An order №1 issued of 1977, July 6 by Ukrainian Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute, signed by director Anatoliy Sobko, declares, that in accordance with the resolution of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers State Committee for science and technology, the goals of the newly formed Institute, including laboratory of virology, were:
- development and implementation preventive measures for industrial livestock complexes and specialized farms from entering infectious diseases;
- development of tools and methods for diagnosis of diseases in condition of high animal concentration;
- development of animals prophylaxis of infectious animal diseases;
- development of new methods and preventive treatments of animals;
- production of small series of new specific means for combating infectious diseases for need of Republic animal husbandry .
The main direction of research of virology laboratory, according to the statute, were the study of infectious animal diseases of viral etiology, development of methods of diagnosis and means of active prophylaxis. Based on the primary task, the laboratory was engaged in the improvement of methods for the isolation and identification of viruses – pathogens of animal diseases, study of their morphology, physical, chemical and immunological properties, study of the pathogenesis and immunogenesis, development of methods of viruses’ industrial cultivation that used for the manufacturing of test kits and vaccines, development schemes of the differential diagnosis of viral diseases, development of manufacturing technology, control and use of live virus vaccines, creation of a museum of reference and epizootic strains of viruses, selection and preparation of production viruses strains for manufacturing diagnostic and vaccine preparations, study of the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment and prophylaxis of animal viral diseases, the study of the epizootic situation, forecasting and developing of preventive measures on infectious animal diseases.
The laboratory had mobile group that traveled to complex infectious disease outbreaks in livestock enterprises through the entire Soviet Union (Dr of Sci., prof., Sobko A.I, Dr of Sci. Stancheus A.P., Dr of Sci. Priskoka V.A., PhD Kucheryavenko O.O., PhD Kucheryavenko A.A., PhD,Vabishchevich F.S., Khomenko V., Makarenko A.V., Manziy K., Matuzenko M. and others). Thanks to their travels the Institute spread the collection of viruses, which according to developed technologies further served as basis for the vaccines designing. Designed and manufactured by Institute’s employees vaccines due to efforts of the mobile teams were successfully implemented in veterinary practice, new schemes of animal viral infections prevention and eradication were tested.
The laboratory performed a wide range of works on microbiological, biochemical, serological, diagnostic studies in all cases of suspected viral infections of animal disease; provided consulting services on the use of laboratory results in the veterinary practice.
For next 35 years after Anatoliy Sobko this division was led by:
- PhD Vabishchevich F.S. (17.05.1993 – 05.05.1997);
- Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Starcheus A. P (6.17.97–1.06.2004);
- Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Sinitsyn V.A. (1.06.2004–31.12.2010);
- Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Klestova Z.S. (2011–2014).

C.v.s.Vabishchevich F.S

D.v.s. Starcheus A. P

D.v.s.Sinitsyn V.A.

D.v.s. Klestova Z
During the period of Virology laboratory existence, by its division, were created separate researches units of the Institute – Laboratory of diagnostics (1980.), Laboratory of cell culture technology cultivation of viruses, Laboratory for research on the technology for production of inactivated vaccine against classical swine fever (1988) and others.
Candidate of veterinary sciences Alexander Kucheryavenko served as head of the Virology laboratory during period 1980 to 1984. From 1984 till 1986 served as a head of this laboratory candidate of biological sciences Alexey Kucheryavenko.

C.v.s. Alexander Kucheryavenko

C.b.s. Alexey Kucheryavenko
Besides in the Virology laboratory were established, operated and performed scientific tasks subsequent sectors:
- sector of electron microscopy;
- sector for the study of pigs transmissible gastroenteritis (TGP);
- sector for the study of genetic resistance of animals to infectious diseases;
- sector for the study of pigs enteroviral gastroenteritis;
- sector of the pathology and therapy of infectious diseases;
- sector of gnotobiology;
- sector of interferon.
Ex Heads of the Institute
Its first director was appointed corresponding member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and UAAN, Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Anatoly Sobko, who for more than 20 years as head of the Institute and was head of the laboratory of virology (1977-1997).

SOBKO ANATOLY (1977-1997)
From 1997 to 2011, was director of the Corresponding Member of NAAS of Ukraine, candidate of veterinary sciences Obrazhey Anatoly.

In 2012 Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Associated Member of the NAAS NYCHYK SERHIY was appointed the director of the Institute.
The scientists who worked in the Institute of Veterinary Medicine:
PhD Atrazheva T.F.; PhD Bozhko K.; PhD Vabishchevich F.S.; Dr of Sci. Prof.; Volynets L.K.; PhD Grishok L.P.; PhD Glavatsky V.P.; PhD Zhukovsky A.M.; Academician NAAS, Dr of Sci., Prof. Blizzard A.I.; PhD Zvozchik V.G.; PhD Karas AY.; M.D. Kwacha V.G.; PhD Kolos Y.A.; PhD Korzunenko A.F.; PhD. Kucheryavenko A.A.; Ph.D. Kupchinskaya L.G.; Dr of Sci. Lazarev A.P.; PhD Kamenshik M.A.; PhD Muraviov V.K.; PhD Nastenko V.D.; PhD Nosov V.A.; PhD Naumova NA.; Dr of Sci. Oksamitny M.K.; Ph.D. Ostapets M.G.; PhD Pavlov EG.; Dr of Sci., Prof. Pogrebnyak L.I.; PhD Polulyakh V.I.; Dr of Sci. Priskova V.A.; PhD Sinitsin A.Y.; PhD Sobko Y.A.; PhD Sokirko T.A.; Dr of Sci., Prof. Starcheus A.P.; PhD Stepanok AP.; PhD Subaev G.H.; PhD Tairova T.M.; PhD Tatska V.N.; PhD Trotsenko B.L.; Prof. Shabliy V.Y.; PhD Shikov A.T.; Dr of Sci., Prof. Yaschenko M.F., et al.