Laboratory for Leptospirosis in farm animals with the museum of microorganisms was created in 1993. On the basis of Laboratory there is «Scientific–Research Reference Center (SRRC) for the study and prophylaxis of leptospirosis in Ukraine», that was created and ratified by the general order of President UAAS and Chairman of the State Department of Veterinary Medicine of Ministry of Agrarian Politics of Ukraine №50/23 from June, 1, 2001.
Ukhovskyi Vitalii – Head of the Laboratory, Dr. of Vet. Sci.
Ukhovskyi V.V. was born on May, 25, 1981 in a village Field Labour Apostolovskyi district of Dnepropetrovsk region. From 1998 to 2003 studied on the faculty of veterinary medicine of the Dnepropetrovsk State Agrarian University that was graduated with honor. He worked as leading veterinary doctor of epizootology in the Dnepropetrovsk regional state hospital after graduating the university in 2003.
During the period 2004–2007 is a postgraduate student in Institute of veterinary medicine of UAAS. In 2008 completed the candidate’s dissertation on a theme: «Leptospirosis in pigs in Ukraine (etiologic structure, diagnostics and specific prophylaxis)».
From 2007 for the present he works in the laboratory of leptospirosis of farm animals with the museum of microorganisms of Institute of veterinary medicine of NAAS:
2007 – 2007 – Leading veterinary doctor;
2007 – 2009 – Junior scientist;
2009 – 01.10.2010 – Senior staff scientist;
2010 – 2016 – Leading Scientific Researcher;
2016 – present time – Head of the Laboratory.
From 2006 to 2008 studied on the faculty of in–plant training and retraining of specialists of APC in the National Agrarian University and got qualification of specialist after speciality «Finances».
A scientific profile is related to development of veterinary immunobiological preparations against the leptospirosis in farm animals, also is the developer of diagnostic test–system for an exposure the pathogenic leptospires using PCR, engaged in monitoring researches on a leptospirosis in Ukraine (epizootological, serum, molecular–genetic).
Ukhovskyi Vitalii is an author of 45 publications, 5 patents and 3 vaccines.
Kucheryavenko Oleksandr – Leading Researcher of the Laboratory, PhD.
Kucheryavenko Oleksandr is 1947 year of birth, received higher education in Kharkiv Zooveterinary Institute in 1970.
Labour activity:
- 1965 – 1970 – is a student of veterinary faculty of the Kharkiv Zooveterinary Institute;
- 1970 – 1971 – graduate student of laboratory of virology of UNRІЕV (Kharkiv);
- 1971 – 1972 – service is in the rows of Soviet Army;
- 1972 – 1974 postgraduate in UNRІЕV (Kharkiv);
- 1975 – 1980 – junior scientist of laboratory of virology of UNRІЕV (Kharkiv);
- 1980 – 1984 – senior staff scientist UNRІЕV (Kyiv);
- 1984 – 1993 – manager by the laboratory of progressive methods of cultivation of viruses of UNRІЕV (Kyiv);
- 1993 – 2000 – head of a laboratory for study of leptospirosis in farm animals in UNRІЕV (Kyiv);
- 2000 – 2004 – vice–chairman of State Department of Veterinary Medicine of МinAPC, deputy of Main Government Controller of veterinary medicine in Ukraine, chief of management for providing of antiepizootic work;
- 2004 – 2009 – a leading research worker of laboratory for leptospirosis in farm animals with the microorganisms’ strains museum in IVM UААS (Kyiv);
- 2009 – for present is a Head of the laboratory for leptospirosis in farm animals with the microorganisms’ strains museum in IVM UААS (Kyiv) and «Scientific–Research Reference Center (SRRC) for the study and prophylaxis of leptospirosis in Ukraine».
In 1979 – dissertation on a theme «Research of precipitation antigens of viruses of Infectious Bovine Rhinotraheitis – Pustular Vulvovaginitis and viral Diarrhea are diseases of mucous membranes in cattle» on speciality: 16.00.03 – Veterinary Microbiology, Virology, Epizootology and Mycology.
In 2005 the scientific rank of senior staff scientist is appropriated from speciality «Veterinary microbiology and virology» (a decision of HAC of Ukraine from December, 15, 2005(protocol № 56–09/7)).
Kucheryavenko Oleksandr Oleksandrovich is an author and coauthor over 200 scientific articles, three monographs and 18 patents. After his direct participation it was worked out and registered in 2003–2008 7 SОU and 1SSC in relation to diagnostic and prophylactic leptospirosis preparations. Implementation of standards allowed promoting the level of leptospirosis diagnostics. Also after direct participation of Kucheryavenko О. О. «Instruction was worked out about the means of prophylaxis and making healthy of animals against leptospirosis».
Kucheryavenko О.О. is the coauthor of scientific and technical documentation on monovalent and polyvalent vaccines against the leptospirosis in animals (variant – SUIS, variant – BOVIS and bivalent vaccine against leptospirosis in carnivorous), that productions inculcated in terms and are widely used on territory of Ukraine. Introduction of the worked out vaccines improved an epizootic situation in relation to a leptospirosis on territory of Ukraine and allowed in good time to carry out the complex of prophylactic and health measures that assisted reduction of economic losses in a stock–raising and prevented considerable distribution of лептоспірозної infection.
In the scientific activity period Kucheryavenko О. О. got a number of rewards:
- Diploma for successes attained with generalization and propaganda of achievements of science and advanced experience in veterinary science (in 1984);
- A diploma is for conscientious labour, implementation of socialistic duties and active voice in public life of Institute, with skidding on the board of honour (1986);
- A diploma is for conscientious labour and successful implementation of socialistic duties (1987);
- Gratitude of Solomensky District in city Kyiv of state administration for the ponderable personal contribution to creation of spiritual and material values and achievement of high–class workmanship in professional activity (2007);
- Recipient of an award an encouraging difference by Order of the State committee of veterinary medicine of Ukraine «For merits in development of veterinary medicine of Ukraine» (2009);
- A deed of Institute of veterinary medicine is for payment in development of veterinary science, for fruitful labour and on occasion of Day of worker of agriculture of Ukraine(in 2012);
- A diploma of the National academy of agrarian sciences of Ukraine is for long–term fruitful scientific activity in industry of Agro–industrial production, ponderable personal contribution to development of agrarian science, introduction of scientific developments in a production and on occasion of professional holiday – science (2013) Day.
Four candidate’s dissertations were successfully protected under the direction of О.О. Kucheryavenko
Kucheryavenko О.О. accepts active voice in expert and scientifically–elucidative activity, in particular on this time is the member of the State pharmacological commission of veterinary medicine of Ukraine.
Khomenko Vasyl – Senior Scientific Researcher
Khomenko Vasyl Grigorovich, 1949 year of birth, received higher education in the Agricultural Academy in 1979.
From 1980 and for the present time is been working in Institute of Veterinary Medicine.
- Setting Microagglutination test (small and large diagnostic rows);
- Cultivation of the diagnostic and vaccine strains of Leptospira;
- Passaging of Leptospira strains in golden hamsters;
- Preparation of culture media for the cultivation of Leptospira.
Melnichenko Oleksandra – Scientific researcher
Received Higher education in Kamenets–Podilsky Agricultural Institute, Zooengineering faculty.
Since 1983 has been working at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine, first in laboratory diagnosis, since 1997, in the laboratory of virology and diagnostics. Since 1990 is researcher.
Independently cultivating cell culture from warm–blooded, cultivating reference strains of enteroviruses, determines infectious virus activity, receives antisera by hiperimmunization of donor animals (goats, rabbits, pigs), conducts diagnostic tests of blood serum of animals of different age groups for antibodies to enteroviruses, holds virus detection from pathological material, “refreshes” isolates of viruses, cultural viruses and others.
Directly involved in the development of technical documentation for different types of sets diagnostics and vaccines. Produced diagnostic kits, vaccines.
She participated in conferences and has 40 publications.
Dyachenko Hanna – Ingeener
Secondary technical education.
Experience: Since 1987 has been working at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of NAAS.
- Setting Microagglutination test (small and large diagnostic rows);
- Cultivation of the diagnostic and vaccine strains of Leptospira;
- Passaging of Leptospira strains in golden hamsters;
- Vaccine production of variant BOVIS and SUIS.
Syrotyuk Lidia – Senior Laboratory Assistant
Secondary technical education.
Experience: Since 1996 has been working at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of NAAS as Senior Laboratory Assistant.
- preparation of glassware, clothing for bacteriological research;
- Cultivation of the diagnostic and vaccine strains of Leptospira;
- Disinfection of cabinets.
Gnatyuk Olena – Laboratory Assistant.
Secondary technical education.
Experience: Since 1996 has been working at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of NAAS as Laboratory Assistant.
- preparation of glassware, clothing for bacteriological research;
- Preparation of culture media for the cultivation of Leptospira;
- Disinfection of cabinets.
Voloven Uliia Laboratory Assistant
Secondary technical education.
Experience: Since 1996 has been working at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of NAAS as Laboratory Assistant.
- Preparation of glassware, clothing for bacteriological research;
- Disinfection of cabinets.
Directions of scientific researches:
Monitoring on epizootic situation in the world for leptospirosis in animals;
The study of natural foci of infection, the relationship between the mechanisms of emergence and spread of leptospirosis;
- organization ofclinicalandlaboratory researchepizooticin casesof suspecteddiseaseleptospirosisanimalsdevelopmeasures to eliminatepossibleoutbreaksof disease;
- Forecasting the possiblespread of infectionand the development ofpreventive measures againstleptospirosisanimals;
- Development and implementation of monitoring of leptospirosis in animals Ukraine to meet modern world of science, recommendations OIE, the World Health Organization;
- Establishment of cooperation with scientists of the center of the world leading scientific institutions dealing with leptospirosis animals;
- Training and education of doctors of veterinary medicine on epizootology, diagnosis and prevention of leptospirosis animals.
Main achievements of the laboratory
Through the activities of the laboratory staff leptospirosis today all veterinary laboratory and sanitary-epidemiological service, as well as biological factories in Ukraine, equipped with necessary leptospira strains for diagnostic research and production of immunological veterinary medicines.
Center specialists assembled and kept under conditions of continuous cultivation of strains of leptospira unique museum, which accounts for 20 diagnostic, vaccine 7, 18 received from Germany, 3 received from Poland and 52 reference strains obtained from the International Center of reference. Amsterdam (Netherlands) . All strains are identified by their passports and match the species belonging. To maintain in good condition leptospira strains of leptospira cultivating a system developed based on selective culture media.
The presence of such a number of strains of leptospira allows you to continuously improve the system of control, diagnosis and prevention of leptospirosis animals in Ukraine.
Center specialists developed and registered under the law of scientific and technical documentation for monovalent and polyvalent vaccine against leptospirosis.
One of the most important scientific results reached the center, is the introduction of production conditions in state factories Ukraine three biological scientific research, “Polyvalent vaccine against leptospirosis in animals (variant SUIS)” – RC 3662 – 04 – 2874 – 07/08 – 1/0; “Polyvalent vaccine against leptospirosis in animals (variant BOVIS)” – RC 3661 – 04 – 2744 – 07/08 – 1/0; “ Bivalent vaccine against leptospirosis in carnivores” – RC 3663 – 04 – 3060 – 07/08 – 1/0.
SRRC on the study and prevention of leptospirosis organizes information support of scientific activity, as well as the preparation and publication of specialized magazines, collections of key areas of research for the prevention of leptospirosis, handbooks, manuals, practical guidelines and regulations for animal husbandry and veterinary medicine.
Together with other public and businesses SRRC on the study and prevention of leptospirosis ensure implementation of the results of the research in the production, promotion and distribution of scientific – technical knowledge, holds conferences and seminars.
With the direct participation of the scientific and methodological support center manager Kucheryavenko O.O. for the first time in Ukraine in 1993, was designed “Instruction on the prevention and recovery of leptospirosis in animals.
“Scientists of the Center developed and approved ISO 6078:2009” Methods for laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis in animals. “The standard is designed in accordance with OIE guidelines and laws of Ukraine. The introduction of this standard increased the level of diagnosis of disease dangerous to humans and animals – leptospirosis and timely range of recreational activities to help reduce economic losses in livestock and prevent the spread of leptospirosis infection.
Scientists of Laboratory in cooperation with the State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service of Ukraine has drafted a new “Instruction on the prevention and rehabilitation of leptospirosis animal” that meets the requirements of today which are regulated by changes in the organization and conduct of leptospirosis disease control measures in animals.
Also developed and submitted for approval to the “Guide for Laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis animal,” which is set to organizational requirements, antiepizootic (preventive) measures aimed at ensuring personal safety, environmental protection when working with pathogenic biological agents II-Group of pathogenicity to which includes all diagnostic and production strains of Leptospira.
- Xronіchnі Іnfekcіjnі Xvorobi Tvarin [Tekst] / L. Є. Kornієnko [Ta Іn.] ; Red. V. O. Busol, L. Є. Kornієnko. – Bіla Cerkva : Bіlocerkіvskij Nacіonalnij Agrarnij Un–T, 2009. – 288 s.
- Nedosєkov V.V. Leptospіroz sіl’s’kogospodars’kix tvarin / V.V. Nedosєkov, V. V. Uxovs’kij, Kucheryavenko O. O.// Navchal’nij posіbnik do lekcіjnogo kursu z disciplіni epіzootologіya ta іnfekcіjnі xvorobi. – Kiїv, – 2011, – 140 s.
- Guidelines for Determination of mass concentration of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin in urine by high performance liquid chromatography [V.V. Uxovs’kij, O.O. Kucheryavenko, V.V. Pіotrovich, V.V. Kulikova, S.V. Romanenko, A.V. Piskun]. – Nіzhin : PP Lisenko M. M., 2014. – 24 s.
- Guidelines on pathogenic leptospira indication DNA by polymerase chain reaction [V.V. Uxovs’kij, O.O. Kucheryavenko, V.V. Kulikova, A.P. Gerіlovich, O.S. Solodyankіn, A.V. Piskun, M.L. Skaliga]. – Nіzhin: PP Lisenko M. M., 2014. – 16 s.
- Guidelinesfor the preventionand rehabilitation offarmanimals inMykolayiv region / O.O. Romanіshina, M.S. Mandigra, V.V. Uxovs’kij // – Mikolaїv, 2014. – 18 s.
The articles of laboratory’s collective:
- Kucheryavenko O. O. Etіologіchna struktura leptospіrozu u svinars’kix gospodarstvax Ukraїni / O. O. Kucheryavenko, V. V. Uxovs’kij, G. B. Aleksєєva // Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2005. – № 6. – S. 98–102..
- L. interrogans serovar bratislava serologіchnij analіz cirkulyacії zbudnika na teritorії Ukraїni / Pіotrovich V. A., Kucheryavenko O–r O., Kucheryavenko O–j O., Uxovs’kij V. V. // Veterinarna medicina Ukraїni. 2005. – № 6. – S. 19–21.
- Uxovs’kij V. V. Epіzootologo–geografіchna xarakteristika leptospіrozu svinej na teritorії Ukraїni / V. V. Uxovs’kij // Vіsnik Poltavs’koї derzhavnoї agrarnoї akademії. – Poltava, 2005. – № 4. – S. 168–170.
- Uxovs’kij V. V. Eksperimental’ne doslіdzhennya novoї koncentrovanoї polіvalentnoї vakcini proti leptospіrozu tvarin (varіant «suis») u virobnichix umovax / V. V. Uxovs’kij // Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2006. –№ 8. – S. 289–295.
- Pіotrovich V. A. Obґruntuvannya docіl’nostі rozshirennya naboru dіagnostichnix shtamіv leptospіr pri dіagnosticі leptospіrozu svinej u reakcії mіkroaglyutinacії і lіzisu / V. A. Pіotrovich, V. V. Uxovs’kij, G. B. Aleksєєva // Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2006. – № 9. – S. 213–219.
- Uxovs’kij V. V. Vivchennya іmunogennostі eksperimental’nix serіj polіvalentnoї vakcini proti leptospіrozu tvarin «varіant suis» v laboratornix umovax / V. V. Uxovs’kij // Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2008. – № 12. – S. 269–275.
- Zasobi specifіchnoї profіlaktiki leptospіrozu tvarin v Ukraїnі / Pіotrovich V. A., Kucheryavenko O–j O., Kucheryavenko O–r O., Uxovs’kij V. V. // Veterinarna medicina Ukraїni. 2008. – № 8. – S. 39–42.
- Kucheryavenko O–j O. Vakcina proti leptospіrozu tvarin polіvalentna (varіant suis). Rezul’tati mіzhvіdomchix komіsіjnix viprobuvan’ // O–j O. Kucheryavenko, O–r O. Kucheryavenko, V. V. Uxovs’kij [ta іn.] / Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2009. – № 15. – S. 225–231.
- Babyuk S.Ya. Vivchennya epіzootichnoї situacії z leptospіrozu sered sobak protyagom 2006–2009 rr. u m. Kiїv / Babyuk S.Ya., Kornієnko L.Є., V. V. Uxovs’kij [ta іn.] // Naukovij vіsnik veterinarnoї medicini. – Bіla Cerkva. – 2009. – Vipusk 2 (68). – S. 7–10.
- Babyuk S.Ya. Koncentruvannya leptospіroznogo antigenu za dopomogoyu polіetilenglіkolyu ta dіalіznix paketіv / Babyuk S.Ya., Kornієnko L.Є., V. V. Uxovs’kij [ta іn.] // Naukovo–texnіchnij byuleten’. – L’vіv. – 2009. – Vipusk 10, – № 4. – S. 111–114.
- Uxovs’kij V. V. Epіzootologo–geografіchna xarakte–ristika leptospіrozu VRX na teritorії Ukraїni / V. V. Uxovs’kij // Naukovo–texnіchnij byuleten’. – L’vіv. – 2010. – Vipusk 11, № 2–3. – S. 263–268.
- Uxovs’kij V. V. Vivchennya serogrupovoї nalezhnostі zbudnika leptospіrozu u zmіshanix reakcіyax / V. V. Uxovs’kij // Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2010. – № 16. – S. 250–254.
- Gulaj O.V. Doslіdzhennya form bіocenotichnix zv’yazkіv patogennix leptospіr z predstavnikami fіto– ta zoobіoti vodnix ekosistem – vazhlivij element udoskonalennya metodіv borot’bi z leptospіrozom / O.V. Gulaj, O–j O. Kucheryavenko, V. V. Uxovs’kij [ta іn.] // Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2010. – № 16. – S. 65–73.
- Uxovs’kij V. V. Rozrobka novogo tverdogo zhivil’nogo seredovishha dlya kul’tivuvannya leptospіr / V. V. Uxovs’kij // Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2010. – № 17. – S. 232–237.
- Uxovs’kij V. V. Viznachennya sorbcіjnix vlastivostej xіtozanu po vіdnoshennyu do leptospіr / V. V. Uxovs’kij, Yu.S. Golub, O.І. Albulov // Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2012. – № 20. – S. 197–201.
- Vivchennya antibakterіal’nix vlastivostej antibіotika «Ceflorsol 10» do patogennix shtamіv mіkroorganіzmіv / V. V. Uxovs’kij, O.V. Rudoj, Kazan Valіd, O.M. Shhur // Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2012. – № 20. – S. 202–212.
- Kucheryavenko O. O. Naukovo–doslіdnij referens–centr z pitan’ vivchennya ta profіlaktiki leptospіrozu v Ukraїnі / O.O. Kucheryavenko, V. V. Uxovs’kij, V.V. Kulikova // Veterinarna medicina Ukraїni. 2012. – № 9 (199). – S. 13–14.
- Golub Yu.S. Ekologіchnij marketing. Viznachennya baktericidnoї ta rostostimulyuyuchoї aktivnostі vodorozchinnix serіj xіtozanu do patogennix leptospіr / Yu.S. Golub, V. V. Uxovs’kij, O.І. Albulov // Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2012. – № 21. – S. 110–113.
- Uxovs’kij V.V. Serologіchnij monіtoring leptospіrozu sered populyacії dikix kabanіv / V.V. Uxovs’kij, M.P. Sityuk, O. O. Kucheryavenko [ta іn.] // Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2013. – № 22. – S. 608–613.
- Uxovskij V.V. E’tilogicheskaya struktura leptospiroza krupnogo rogatogo skota v xazyajstvax Ukrainy’ / V.V. Uxovskij // E’pizootologiya Immunobiologiya Farmakologiya Sanitariya. – 2013. – № 2. – S. 8–13.
- Kucheryavenko O.O. Aktual’nі pitannya naukovo–doslіdnogo centra z pitan’ vivchennya ta profіlaktiki leptospіrozu v Ukraїnі / O.O. Kucheryavenko, V.V. Uxovs’kij, V.V. Kulikova // Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2013. – № 23. – S. 132–133.
- Uxovs’kij V.V. Porіvnyal’na xarakteristika suchasnix metodіv laboratornoї dіagnostiki leptospіrozu S/G tvarin ta perspektiva rozrobki DOT–ІFA z metoyu її udoskonalennya / V.V. Uxovs’kij, O.O. Kucheryavenko, A.V. Piskun // Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2013. – № 23. – S. 258–259.
- Volinec’ V.O. Epіzootichna situacіya shhodo leptospіrozu konej na Ukraїnі / Volinec’ V.O., Kucheryavenko O.O., Uxovs’kij V.V., Kulikova V.V. // Naukovij vіsnik LNUVMBT іmenі S.Z. Gzhic’kogo. – 2013. – Tom 15, № 3 (57). – S. 49–53.
- Voly’nec V.O. E’tiologicheskaya xarakteristika leptospiroza loshadej na territorii Ukrainy’ / V.O. Voly’nec, V.V. Uxovskij, G.B. Alekseeva // Zhurnal veterinariya i kormlenie. – 2013. – № 5. – S. 8.–9.
- Nychyk Serhiy Research of immunogenicity of experimental series of polyvalent vaccine against leptospirosis in bovine using laboratory animals / Serhiy Nychyk, Vitalii Ukhovskyi, Oleksandr Kucheriavenko // The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. – 2013.– Vol. 89. – № 5. – Р. 424.
- Gnatenko A.V. Ustojchivost’ test–kul’tur leptospir k baktericidnomu preparatu «Argicid». / A.V. Gnatenko, V.L. Kovalenko, V.V. Kulikova, V.V. Uxovskij // Veterinarnaya medicina. Vestnik Altajskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. – 2013. – № 10 (108). – S. 99–102.
- Uxovs’kij V.V. Vivchennya іmunogennix vlastivostej eksperimental’nix serіj polіvalentnoї vakcini proti leptospіrozu tvarin «varіant BOVIS» v laboratornix umovax / V.V. Uxovs’kij // Naukovі pracі PF NUBіP Ukraїni Krims’kij agrotexnologіchnij unіversitet. – Serіya «Veterinarnі nauki». – 2013. – Vipusk № 155. – S. 270–278.
- Uxovs’kij V.V. Patologogіstologіchnі zmіni v organax korіv za leptospіrozu / V.V. Uxovs’kij, B.V. Borisevich // Naukovij vіsnik veterinarnoї medicini. – Bіla Cerkva. – 2013. – Vipusk 12 (107). – S. 76–80.
- Izuchenie fiziko–ximicheskix i immunobiologicheskix pokazatelej polivalentnoj vakciny’ protiv leptospiroza krupnogo rogatogo skota / Uxovskij V.V., Piotrovich V.A., Kucheryavenko O.O., Alekseeva G.B.// E’pizootologiya Immunobiologiya Farmakologiya Sanitariya. – 2014. – № 1. – S. 22–26.
- Uxovs’kij V.V. Serologіchnij monіtoring leptospіrozu u sobak / V.V. Uxovs’kij, A.V. Piskun, M.L. Skaliga // Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2014. – № 24. – S. 266–272.
- Uxovs’kij V.V. Prirodnі vognishha leptospіrozu v Ukraїnі / V.V. Uxovs’kij, O.O. Kucheryavenko, O.O. Stepna // Veterinarna bіotexnologіya. – 2014. – № 24. – S. 262–265.
- Ukhovskyi V. V. Prevalence and dynamics of the etiological structure of leptospirosis in cattle in Ukraine / V. V. Ukhovskyi, O. О. Kucheryavenko, V.V. Kulykova [et al.]// Veterinarski glasnik, časopis fakulteta veterrinarske medicine u Beogradu. – 2014. – № 68 (1–2). – Р. 23–30.
- Uxovs’kij V.V. Viyavlennya antitіl proti L. іnterrogans serovaru hardjo u velikoї rogatoї xudobi na teritorії Ukraїni / V.V. Uxovs’kij, A.V. Piskun // Tvarinnictvo Ukraїni. – 2014. – № 6. – S. 22–25.
- Pіotrovich A. Testing of polyvalent vaccine against leptospirosis in animals (variant BOVIS)/ V. A. Pіotrovich, O. O. Kucheryavenko, V. V. Uxovs’kij // Materіali IX Mіzhnarodnogo kongresu specіalіstіv veterinarnoї medicini, 6–8 zhovtnya 2011 r. – Kiїv, 2011. – S. 136–138.
- Skrypnyk V.G. Seromonitoring of leptospirosis amongst bovine and swine in Ukraine / G. Skrypnyk, V.V. Ukhovsky, А.А. Kucheryavenko // 14th International Conference Association of Institutions for Tropical Veterinary Medicine, 25–29 August 2013. – Р. 59 – 60.
- Nychyk Serhiy Research of immunogenicity of experimental series of polyvalent vaccine against leptospirosis in bovine using laboratory animals / Serhiy Nychyk, Vitalii Ukhovskyi, Oleksandr Kucheriavenko // 62nd American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting, 13 – 17 November 2013. – Р.
- Ukhovskyi V. Study of immunogenic activity of polyvalent vaccine against bovine cattle leptospirosis / V. Ukhovskyi, A. Kucheriavenko, S. Nychyk // 2014 American Society of Microbiology Biodefense and Emerging Diseases Research Meeting. Program & Abstracts book, 27– 29 January 2014. – Session № 021. – Presentation № 226 (H).
- Ukhovskyi V. Seromonitoring of leptospirosis amongst horse in Ukraine / V. Ukhovskyi, S. Nychyk, Volynets, V. Kulykova, A. Pyskun // 5th Annual Conference of the Biosafety Association for Central Asia & the Caucasus, 26–28 March 2014. – Р. 42.
- Uxovs’kij V. Antibodies detection against L. Interrogans serovar hardjo in cattle on the territory of Ukraine / V. V. Uxovs’kij, A. V. Piskun // Materіali naukovo–praktichnoї konferencії molodix vchenix «Aktual’nі problemi veterinarnoї bіotexnologії ta іnfekcіjnoї patologії», 26 chervnya 2014 r. – Kiїv, 2014. – S. 49–51.
- UkrainePatentfor Utility Model № 27862. Ukraine, MPK A61K31/04. Method of treatment of leptospirosis in cattle / O–j O. Kucheryavenko, V. A. Pіotrovich, A. F. Obrazhej, S. V. Romanenko, V. P. Sapejko, G. K. Majorova, M. M. Pіotrovich (Ukraїna). / Zayavnik і patentovlasnik Іnstitut veterinarnoї medicini NAAN. zayavl. 15.06.2006; opubl. 26.11.2007; byul. № 19. – 3 s.
- UkrainePatentfor invention № 80924. Ukraine, MPK A61K31/4709. Method of treatment of leptospirosis in animals / O–j O. Kucheryavenko, V. A. Pіotrovich, A. F. Obrazhej, S. V. Romanenko (Ukraїna). / Zayavnik і patentovlasnik Іnstitut veterinarnoї medicini NAAN. zayavl. 15.06.2006; opubl. 12.11.2007; byul. № 18. – 4 s.
- UkrainePatentfor Utility Model № 22917. Ukraine, MPK A61K39/02. Strain bacteria Leptospira interrogans Yez bratislava serogroup Australis, serovar bratislava for inactivated vaccine against leptospirosis in animals production and diagnosticums / O–j O. Kucheryavenko, O–r O. Kucheryavenko, V. A. Pіotrovich, V. O. Volinec’, V. V. Uxovs’kij, G. V. Dyachenko, T. O. Dyachenko, G. K. Majorova, M. M. Pіotrovich (Ukraїna). / Іnstitut veterinarnoї medicini UAAN – № 200700569; zayavl. 22.01.2007; opubl. 25.04.2007; byul. № 5. – 3 s.
- UkrainePatentfor Utility Model №32966, Ukraine MPK A61K39/02. Polyvalent vaccine against leptospirosis in animals (varіant SUIS) / O–r O. Kucheryavenko, O–j O. Kucheryavenko, V.A. Pіotrovich, V. V. Uxovs’kij, G.V. Dyachenko, G.K. Majorova, M.M. Pіotrovich // Іnstitut veterinarnoї medicini UAAN – № 200800572; zayavl. 17.01.2008; opubl. 10.06.2008; byul. № 11. – 6 s.
- UkrainePatentfor Utility Model № 73324, MPK (2012.01) A61K 39/02, C12N 5/00. Polyvalent vaccine against leptospirosis in animals (varіant BOVIS) / Uxovs’kij V. V., Kucheryavenko O. O, Pіotrovich V. A., Kіsіlenko L. S., Muzhic’kij Ya. V., Dyachenko G. V. // Zayavnik і patentovlasnik Іnstitut veterinarnoї medicini NAAN. zayavl. 20.01.2012; opubl. 25.09.2012; byul. № 18. – 5 s.
- UkrainePatentfor Utility Model № 91615, MPK (2014.01) A61K 39/02, C12N 5/00. Polyvalent vaccine against leptospirosis in animals (varіant EQUI) / Volinec’ V. V., Uxovs’kij V. V., Kucheryavenko O. O, Kulikova V. V., Dyachenko G. V. // Zayavnik і patentovlasnik Іnstitut veterinarnoї medicini NAAN. zayavl. 14.02.2014; opubl. 10.07.2014; byul. № 13. – 4 s.
The employees of laboratory took part in the next conferences:
- І-st International Research and Practice Conference of Young Scientists «Biotechnology: development and control of preparations – 2009»(on September, 23-26, 2009, Kyiv);
- International Research And Practice Sanctified to the 50year of founding of Institute of epizootology of UAAS «Epizootological monitoring and systems of liquidation of illnesses of animals»(on January, 27-29, 2010, Rivne);
- Research of and of Practice Conference of Young Scientists the «Scientific providing of development of agro industrial complex of central and north regions of Ukraine», with a lecture on a theme there are «Modern approaches and methods of diagnostics of leptospirosis in animals»(September, 17, 2011, Kyiv);
- 14th International Conference Association of Institutions for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (August, 25–29, 2013, Johannesburg, South-African Republic);
- «International Research And Practice Conference Of »Achievement And Prospect of Russian Veterinary Science” devoted to the 55year of FSBU ВНИИЗЖ (VNIIZZH)» (October, 28-30, 2013, Vladymyr, Russian Federation)
- 62nd American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting(November, 13-17 2013, Washington, USA).
- American Society of Microbiology Biodefense and Emerging Diseases Research Meeting (January, 27–29, 2014, Washington, USA).
- 5th Annual Conference of the Biosafety Association for Central Asia & the Caucasus, (March, 26–28, 2014, Tbilisi,Georgia).
- Research and Practice Conference of Young Scientists «Issues of the Day of Veterinary Biotechnology and Infectious Pathology» (June, 26, 2014, Kyiv).
Normative documentation
- Technical requirements are worked out on a biologic preparation “Polyvalent vaccine against leptospirosis in animals (variant SUIS)” TUU 24.4 – 05510830-056: 2007 that is registered in State Standard Committee from 26.10.2007.
- Technical requirements are worked out on a biologic preparation “Polyvalent vaccine against leptospirosis in animals (variant BOVIS)” TUU 24.4 – 05510830–057: 2007 that is registered in State Standard Committee from 26.10.2007.
- Technical requirements are worked out on a biologic preparation “Bivalent vaccine against leptospirosis in carnivores” TUU 24.4 – 05510830 – 055: 2007, that is registered in State Standard Committee from 25.01.2008.
- After direct participation and methodical scientific accompaniment of leader of center Kucheryavenko О.О. first on territory of Ukraine in 1993 there was the worked out «Instruction about events on a prophylaxis and making healthy of animals from leptospirosis». The project of new «Instruction was also worked out about events on a prophylaxis and making healthy of animals from a leptospirosis».
- “Guide for Laboratorydiagnostics of leptospirosis in animals” is developed andsubmittedfor approval.
- It is worked out and ratified DSTU 6078:2009 «Methods of laboratory diagnostics of leptospirosis in animals». A standard is worked out in accordance with the requirements of OIE and current legislation of Ukraine.
- It is worked out and ratified SOU “Veterinary Immunobiological Preparations. Leptospirosis Agglutination Serogroups Sera. Technical requirements”.
- It of is worked out and ratified of SOU. “Veterinary Immunobiological Preparations. Vaccines against leptospirosis in animals monovalent. Technical requirements”
With the aim of scientific products commercialization, annually about 50-ty agreements are consist by employees of laboratory on supplying with vaccines against leptospirosis, realization of diagnostic researches and providing of district and regional laboratories of veterinary medicine by the sets of strains of Leptospires of small diagnostic row.
Seminars, conferences
Constantly accepted participation with performances in seminars and conferences devoted to the problem of leptospirosis on territory of Ukraine.
The employees of laboratory took part in:
- Ukrainian seminar-conference on a theme: «Modern approaches and methods of diagnostics of diseases of bacterial etiology» (on October, 25-27 in 2010, Lutsk).
- Ukrainian seminar «Diagnostics, prophylaxis and making healthy of farm animals from a leptospirosis», with a lecture on a theme there are the «Modern methods of diagnostics of leptospirosis» (on September, 9-11 in 2013, p. Light-blue the Kherson region).
International cooperation
The employees of laboratory took part with lectures in 4th international conferences, namely:
- 14th of International Conference Association of of Institutions of for of Tropical Veterinary Medicine(on August, 25-29 in 2013, South African Republic Johannesburg).
- 62nd American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting(November, 13-17 2013, Washington, USA).
- American Society of Microbiology Biodefense and Emerging Diseases Research Meeting(January, 27-29 2014, Washington, USA).
- 5th of Annual Conference of the of Biosafety Association for of Central Asia & the of Caucasus(March, 26-28 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia).
Diagnostic and preventive Means:
- “Polyvalent vaccine against leptospirosis in animals (variant SUIS)” – RC ВВ- 00662-02-13 from December,18, 2013. Designed from four Leptospira serogroups – Icterohaemorrhagiae, Pomona, Tarassovi and Australis, – intended for the specific prophylaxis of leptospirosis in pigs. The cost of one dose of vaccine is (5 сm3).
- “Polyvalent vaccine against leptospirosis in animals (variant BOVIS)” – RC ВВ–00661–02–13 from December, 18, 2013. Designed from five Leptospira serogroups (Sejroe, Hebdomadis, Tarassovi, Grippotyphosa, Icterohaemorrhagiae), – intended for the specific prophylaxis of leptospirosis in cattle. The cost of one dose of vaccine is (5 сm3).
- Set of diagnostic Leptospira strains. Eight diagnostic leptospira strains (493 Poland, Kabura, Perepelicyni, Pomona, Moskva V, Hond Utrecht IV, M 20, Yež bratislava).
- Diagnostic researches on leptospirosis (to eight Leptospira strains).