On October 3, 2018, at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the NAAS (IVM NAAS) the scientific seminar “Interaction between Nanotechnology and Veterinary and Humane Medicine” was held, organized by the IVM NAAS and the F.D. Ovcharenko Institute of Biocolloidal Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine. Leading scientists from the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, ERP Clinical Center “Vetmedservis” and the State Scientific Institution “State Center for Innovative Biotechnology” attended the seminar.
The opening words were given by the directors of both organizing institutions: Associate Member of the NAAS, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Nychyk Serhiy and Doctor of Technical Sciences Prokopenko Vitaliy.
The main topics of talks will be devoted to the prospects of metal nanoparticles use in veterinary medicine field, veterinary preparations safety assessment and the relevance of the assessment at the stage of veterinary nanopreparations development, nanoparticles metal ferrites in pharmaceutical forms for veterinary medicine use, and other informative results of researches.
There was a discussion on the possibility of arranging a conference on nanotechnology next year, since the seminar attracted a wide range of specialists from various institutions.