IVM representatives attended the Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) 2019 Science Program Review (SPR) in Warsaw, Poland, September 17-20, 2019.
The event provided a brief overview of the results of the implemented and initiated scientific projects supported by the BTRP and provided an opportunity to analyze the most relevant fields of researches. Presentations were made by experts from different countries: Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, African countries, etc.
The IVM experts presented the results of some scientific projects:
- Associate Member of the NAAS S. Nychyk reported on results of UP-2 project “Development of the Epidemiological Forecasting System for Zoonotic Diseases Employing GIS Technology”, when for the first time in Ukraine the GIS technologies were used to analyze and predict the risks of anthrax outbreaks;
- PhD G. Kovalenko presented the results of full genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of ASF virus obtained in the framework of UP-9 project “The Spread of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) in Domestic Pigs and Wild Boar in Ukraine – Building Capacity for Insight into the Transmission of ASFV through Characterization of Virus Isolates by Genome Sequencing and Phylogenetic Analysis”;
- Results of the UP-4 project “Risk assessment of selected avian EDPs potentially carried by migratory birds over Ukraine”, where IVM team is also engaged, were presented by Ukrainian colleagues.
During the event the possibilities of development and collaboration of joint scientific projects, trainings, and workshops with representatives of DTRA and scientists from foreign countries were discussed.